Nursing Care Plans with the nursing diagnoses, interventions and rationales. Nursing Care Plans helps nurses write customized care plans for their patients. Print out care plans for your patients and for your homework assignments. Nursing Care Plans includes care plans for medical-surgical nursing, maternity, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Use the Table of Contents to quickly find the care plan you need.
• Edited RN this app is known for its practical interventions and some rationales.
• Updates from clinical experts ensure the most current, accurate, and relevant content.
• Consistent format for each care plan allows fast look-up and printing of Nursing Diagnoses, Desired Outcomes, and Assessments, Interventions, and Rationales.
• Outcome criteria with specific timelines help you set goals for nursing outcomes and provide efficient, quality care.
• taxonomy updates keep you current with NANDA-I diagnoses.
• Updated content covers the latest clinical developments, new pharmacologic treatments, and evidence-based practice guidelines.
• nursing diagnoses include adult failure to thrive, chronic confusion, risk for shock, interrupted breastfeeding, and impaired environmental interpretation syndrome.
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Care plans included:
Ineffective breathing pattern
Altered fluid and electrolyte balance
fluid volume deficit, hypokalemia, and hypochloremia
metabolic alkalosis
Altered nutrition: less than body requirements
Pain: abdominal with radiation to the back
Altered comfort: abdominal distention and gas pain
Risk for infection: sepsis
Potential complications
hypovolemic shock
pleural effusion
organ ischemia/dysfunction (multiple organ dysfunction syndrome [MODS])
Knowledge deficit, Ineffective management of therapeutic regimen, or Altered health maintenance